#gratitude | letters

I want to begin this new blog by thanking all those who have wanted to express their thoughts with me at some point by writing down what they experienced before my work.

What follows is a small selection of writings that were sent to my previous website and that accompanied me during my time in Barcelona. This new channel is a blank page for those who accept an invitation to look. Simply said… THANK YOU!

Te mando un pequeño comentario de tu pintura, te lo escribí en catalán, espero que te guste.”Cada traç, cada súbtil pinzellada, tots aquells petits detalls enriqueixen  l’obra.
Podem apreciar la seva precisió i aquella estructura tan peculiar que predomina. No obstant l’abstracció, la fluidesa de les seves formes ens recorden a quelcom familiar (en la majoria dels casos ens apropa a la naturalesa en sí ). Emprenem un llarg viatge en el món de la imaginació, els límits els hi posem nosaltres; recorrem vells camins on els records invaeixen el pensament de cadascú”

– Maria Gassó

Hi Danilo, A new admirer of your work writes you. It’s incredible the level of sweetness and subtlety found in your paintings.  Though I have never studied art, I’m very drawn to it, and I enjoy going to galleries. A friend of mine told me about you and your work and I was fascinated…You made me think a lot, and I allowed myself to be led by your brush strokes and you allowed me to think about a very complicated situation I’m going through at the moment. You helped me a lot and I want to pay you back for what you have transmitted to me in some way. I’d like to know when your birthday is so I can send you something. I write to you from Ecuador. A big kiss

 – Giovanna Rodríguez

“Art is dead,” certain fake soothsayers dare to say. But your work has restored my faith in art. Thank you for those pleasant and stimulating moments of contemplation.

– Ana

I saw your page and I thought it was amazing!  I love your idea about giving what you need. The energy and vitality in your paintings is incredible!!! What great vibes I feel when I see them. Sending you a kiss.

– Claudia Elena Vásquez

Entering your website has moved me to no return. It’s striking to be able to see the accuracy of that intuitive feeling, I will have to study it more closely and read each text, though I couldn’t help linger in front of a few. Just like I couldn’t help feeling lots of emotions throughout this showing of your work. I can’t imagine what it’s like standing in front of them. Maybe someday you’ll invite me to visit your gallery…what a beautiful world you’ve created…what a beautiful soul surrounds your beautiful body.

– María

I stopped by to see your work and I wanted to let you know that I especially enjoyed the ones in black and white. In addition to fulfilling the message of peace that you’re looking for, I like their depth and composition. I see a development in the work that’s very cool. I was impressed and I just wanted to congratulate you because I enjoyed it a lot. A hug and be well.

– Iván Calle

Danilo, your website is very beautiful. The truth is, everything that everyone says in these comments about your work is exactly my thoughts. What’s great is that when you see them in person, they’re even more pleasing.

– Alejandra Rueda

Hello, just a few minutes ago I entered a space where the walls breathe ice and the air has an aroma of light.  I congratulate you for being able to choose your path and lead us to other dream-like places. In Respiro (Breath), did you see and feel the blood running through your veins?

– Marta Miguel

Beauty … your alphabet speaks all you are … beauty.

– Kini Sanborn

I was finally able to visit your website and the truth is, I’m impressed. Perhaps it would be more appropriate to say that I was moved, don’t know. The thing is, what you do speaks to me and I’d like to ask you when I can go to one of your exhibitions and where. There is one painting in particular, painted in intense red tones, that spoke to my soul. I like other ones, but that one I thought was fantastic. I find your paintings very feminine, and they exude tenderness and sensuality. It’s like smoke from a cigarette that spreads through the air, that gives shape to the air. Without its spirals and circular forms, the air wouldn’t exist. For as long as there has been smoke, it’s been said there’s air, and smoke formation is the presence of air; both lacking in a defined shape or color, but with an inviting body, a body that fits in another body. I hope to be able to see your work someday soon

 – Loli Moreno Alcalde

Compadre, I’m enjoying reading and admiring your paintings, FANTASTIC that your light continues to shine on us.

– Tomas

Danilo, Congratulations, your paintings transmit peace and calm. It’s super powerful how the fluidity of the brushwork shows confidence and spontaneity; it shows serenity and an incredible inner peace. I remember when I went to your workshop (I’m talking back in ’99) and you showed me your technique with the Japanese lines, that’s a visible influence in your paintings. Once again, from Chile, I congratulate you. Hopefully you’ll exhibit your work over here one day.

 – Cristián Pizarro

Thank you for your website! “A square meter of blue is more blue than a square centimeter of blue,” said Matisse. Two blues with hand in two square centimeters is more than the sea and the sky in the palm of a smiling boy! Let’s stay in touch!!

– Eulalia Bosch

What beauty, what a delight!!!! I’m still flying.

– Adriana Marmorek